IT Black White 2 - шаблон joomla Авто

Fondacija „Duško Jovanović” iz Podgorice (u daljem tekstu: Fondacija), osnovana u znak sjećanja na hrabrog novinara i istrajnog pregaoca istraživačkog novinarstva na prostoru Crne Gore Duška Jovanovića (1964-2004), direktora i glavnog i odgovornog urednika dnevnog lista „Dan”, i jednog od dvojice njegovih suosnivača, ustanovljuje, u skladu sa članom 3 osnivačkog akta, nagradu za istraživačko novinarstvo „Duško Jovanović” i o njoj donosi sledeći


Član 1

Nagrada za istraživačko novinarstvo „Duško Jovanović” (u daljem tekstu: nagrada) dodjeljuje se za ostvarenja u istraživačkom novinarstvu, koja su doprinos saznanjima istine o važnim činjenicama i tokovima života i rada i suzbijanju anomalija i društvenih devijacija u Crnoj Gori i svijetu.

Član 2

Zainteresovana lica (učesnici, aplikanti) će biti upoznata sa nagradnim konkursom, objavljivanjem samog konkursa koji kroz svoje odredbe navodi sve elemente neophodne za apliciranje.

Član 3

Fondacija imenuje članove žirija za dodjelu nagrade. U sastavu žirija, koji ima tri (3) člana, nalazi se i predstavnik  Fondacije.

Nespojivo je članstvo u žiriju sa kandidaturom.

Ako je za nagradu predložen član žirija, on se zamjenjuje ili odriče kandidature. Predsjednika žirija bira Upravni odbor Fondacije. U radu i odlučivanju žiri je samostalan i njegova odluka je neprikosnovena i konačna.

Član 4

Prijave za učešće se podnose u terminu koji je određen nagradnim konkursom. Žiri donosi odluku o nagradi do 15. maja tekuće godine, a svečano uručenje nagrade je 27. maja – na godišnjicu ubistva Duška Jovanovića.

Ako imenovani član žirija iz bilo kog razloga nije u mogućnosti da obavlja funkciju, Fondacija imenuje novog člana.

Član 5

Radovi koji se podnose moraju biti objavljeni ili emitovani u periodu koji će biti određen svakim nagradnim konkursom pojedinačno. U obzir za nagradu ulaze sve novinarske forme (izvještaj, intervju, članak, reportaža). Za prijavu kandidata iz štampanih medija važno je da se na fotokopiji ili skeniranom tekstu jasno vidi logo novine, potpis autora i datum objavljivanja. Uz prijavu za TV i radio prilog, potrebno je poslati i potvrdu potpisanu od strane urednika ili direktora.

Član 6

Pravo predlaganja imaju medijske kuće, naučne ustanove, novinarske organizacije, nevladine organizacije profesionalni novinari i studenti novinarstva iz cijelog svijeta. Kandidat će biti obaviješten o nominaciji.

Svaki kandidat samostalno može prijaviti samo jedan istraživački rad ili seriju radova na istu temu, kao i jedan rad ili seriju radova u slučaju da je koautor na tekstu.

Član 7

Predlog kandidature za nagradu sadrži:

1. Naziv članka ili serije članaka kao i ime (na) novinara koji su radili na njima.

2. Sažetak istraživačkog novinarskog rada.

3. Temu i sinopsis priče uključujući i najvažnije podatke do kojih se došlo.

4. Ocjenu doprinosa saznanju istine o određenoj oblasti društvenog života.

5. Kako je priča počela (dojava, zadatak, lična inicijativa i slično)?

6. Podatak da li je neko doveo u pitanje istinitost priče – ako jeste objasnite.

7. Savjet drugim novinarima koji planiraju slične projekte.

8. Kratku biografiju kandidata sa fotografijom.

Član 8

Fondacija u okviru nagradnog konkursa dodjeljuje plakete i novčane nagrade za prijavljene radove koje rangira izabrani žiri. Nagradni fond će biti određen za svaki nagradni konkurs pojedinačno.

Nagrada ne mora biti dodijeljena ukoliko žiri smatra da nijedan prijavljeni rad ne zavređuje priznanje.

U slučaju nedodjeljivanja nagrade, fondacija će donijeti odluku da li će novčana sredstva prebaciti u nagradni fond za sledeći konkurs ili će ista donirati u humanitarne svrhe.

Član 9

Nagrada se može dodijeliti istom novinaru samo jedanput.

Ukoliko na objavljeni konkurs bude prijavljeno manje od 15 radova, konkurs će biti poništen, a postupak za dodjelu novinarske nagrade Duško  Jovanović obustavljen.

Član 10

Prijave za nagradu, sa obrazloženjem i dokumentacijom dostavljati na e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Član 11

Ovaj pravilnik stupa na snagu danom objavljivanja u sredstvima javnog informisanja i na sajtu Fondacije i važi do objavljivanja njegovih dopuna i izmjena na isti način.

Upravni odbor Fondacije 

Od samog početka krize na Kosmetu "Jastrebovi" iz NATO-a su pravili pogrešne političke procjene, i normalno na osnovu toga vukli i pogrešne poteze. Na tome vjerovatno mogu zahvaliti i lošim savjetnicima iz Jugoslavije.
Naime, pokušaj da se nezapamćenom, stalnom medijskom presijom, potpomognutom državnim medijima Crne Gore, koji su ponekad svojom ostrašćenošću i tendecioznošću prevazilazili agresora, izazove vještačka podjela na relaciji rukovodstvo SRJ i narod SRJ, doživio je totalni neuspjeh.


In the eternity of time you are alive, Dusko Jovanovic. These years which passed are dead. The executioners who shut you are dead. The fear is killing slowly these who paid the killers to shoot those whom the death means nothing.
Even when the journalists are the victims of the unspoken words, You will live. Those who are not afraid to search the truth will come to you! Let the freedom of media and honorable society without criminal be recognized in the columns of the newspaper that you edited. "Dan" remained the lighthouse! When the journalists have dilemma how to write, let them look into your eyes. Those who have not courage can only bow their heads shamefully and glorify the killers.
The red blood is the well known color of the free media. We are not silent. They are silent. In their silence, there are the spelling errors. We write the history of the journalism according your alphabet. Our laughter is pain. Our texts are edited through our hearts; our pencils are sharpened by memories of you. All of us in the redaction are big letters and because of that we are similar. And the "brave" cowards are afraid of us. We run up the hill and down the hill in the same way. We are always the first on the goal together with you. This is your story. When the morning comes "Dan" is a necessity. With you the free and brave journalism has its own morning! We are yours, because you are ours, we take care of you by the bravery of our columns. Our headlines are bulletproof ramparts. Let them shoot. Neither we can hide nor can they kill us – elusive targets for the sinister bullets. We hide the seasons between the lines. The spring, the summer, the autumn and the winter are the same for us.
Our roads are passable. You made our route. Following you, following you, following your steps! We are not afraid of cliffs. "There is a peak", you were saying just Go ahead! Can you hear how our steps are firm? Here we are, where the silence does not grow, where the bullets explode, where the heart beats peacefully, without fear.
Dusko Jovanovic is here with us!

Redaction of the daily Dan


P r e a m b l e

Three years has passed since the 27th May 2004., when my father was assassinated by the hand which didn't allow the father and the son to meet. It would be the moment which I could remember through the stories, but I still wasn't born.

The time which comes will not erase the grief and the pain which I and my mother feel, but it will also not erase the memories of the great character and work of the man who will never be forgotten.

By establishing of the Foundation we will show all the strength and wisdom of the Njegos' proverb "Blessed is he whose name lives forever. A good reason had he to be alive!"

My father is alive and he lives. The God and justice will not allow his sacrifice to remain unpunished.

Three years after the death of my father I want to do something bright, something noble, human and progressive, and something that is worth of the memory of him.

The aims of foundation are supporting and developing free journalism and through that developing the democratic and justified society where, as well as in all developed countries, will govern Laws.


Article 1

The Statute of the Foundation regulates the following:

- the name and the Residence of the Foundation;
- the signet and the seal of the Foundation;
- the logo of the Foundation;
- the rules of the Foundation;
- interior organization of the Foundation;
- organs of the Foundation;
- goals and the activities of the Foundation;
- the financing of the Foundation;
- working quorum and deciding in the organs of the Foundation;
- cooperation with other non governmental organizations;
- dissolution and the liquidation of the Foundation;
- the changes of the Statute of the Foundation;

Article 2.

The Statute of the Foundation regulates all the relevant questions which are important for the activities and the work of the Foundation.


Article 3.

The name of the Foundation is: "Foundation Dusko Jovanovic".

The residence of the Foundation is Podgorica no 32. Jerevenska St.


Article 4.

The Foundation has its own signet and the seal.
The signet of the Foundation is in the shape of circle and it contains the name and the residence of the Foundation. The seal of the Foundation is in the shape of the square and it contains the name of the Foundation, the sign for the registration number and the line for date..


Article 5.

The Foundation has its Logo.
The Managing board regulates the Logo.
The Logo is protected.


Article 6.

The Managing Board of the Foundation creates the special rules (general articles) which are used to regulate the work of the Foundation and the model of allocating the financial means of the Foundation.


Article 7.

The Foundation works on the territory of the Republic of Montenegro.


The organs of the foundation

Article 8.

The authority organ in the Foundation is Managing Board of the Foundation.
The control organ in the Foundation is Monitoring Board of the Foundation..

1.Managing Board

Article 9.

The Managing Board makes decisions of:
the program and the working rules of the Foundation;

Foundation budget;
Allocation of the assets;
Working rules of the Foundation;
Sign of the Foundation;
Accepting of the Final account of the Foundation;
Other questions which are important for the work of the Foundation;
Standing orders;

Article 10.

The Managing Board of the foundation is consisted of five members including the president of the Managing Board. The establishers of the Foundation elect and acquit the president and the members of the Managing Board of the Foundation by voting. The mandate of the Managing Board members is four years with the possibility of reelection. The Managing Board convenes assembly when necessary. The president of the Managing Board assemblies are convened and presided by the president of the Managing Board. Exclusively the president of the Managing Board is obliged to call the assembly as the request of the other members of the Managing Board.

2.Monitoring Board

Article 11.

Monitoring board of the Foundation:

controls the correctness of the financial decisions in the Foundation;
controls the total financial business of the Foundation;
makes opinion about the final account of the Foundation;
if it is necessary it engages an independent reviser to evaluate the financial business of the Foundation;
makes the standing orders
Monitoring Board is obliged to make report on the correctness of the financial business in the Foundation after making the final account.

Article 12.

Monitoring Board is consisted of the three members, including the president of the Monitoring Board. Monitoring Board is nominated by the establisher. The mandate of the Monitoring Board members is two years with the possibility of reelection. Monitoring Board is called when necessary. Managing board assembly is convened and presided by the president of the Monitoring Board.

Article 13.

The members of the Managing Board and the Monitoring Board cannot be the same persons.

Goals and the activities of the foundation

Article 14.

The Foundation is established as a non-governmental organization, which purpose is to support and stimulate journalists to develop free, objective and professional journalism, especially investigative journalism, through their work, fair informing of public, without fear of any political structure or any other powerful organization, to make this profession as it should be and that means, public controller of the social events, and public service in order to provide statutory guaranteed rights (each citizen "has a right to know") and all that with the aim of developing democratic processes.


Article 15.

The Foundation will be financed from the establisher's resources, as well as from the donations of the legal and natural persons and in the other ways in accordance with the Laws.

Article 16.

The establisher provides the initial capital of the Foundation which means 1.000 euros.

Working and making decisions quorum

Article 17.

The organs of the Foundation can work legally if the assembly is attended by more than half of the members.
The organs of the Foundation make decisions by voting.

Cooperation wirh other organizations

Article 18.

According to the Statute and its goals, the Foundation will cooperate with other domestic and international non-governmental organizations.

Dissolution and assets allocation

Article 19.

The Foundation will cease its work:

- according to the Laws
- by the decision of the Managing organ

Article 20.

In the case the Foundation ceases its work, the Managing Board will make a decision about the assets allocation of the Foundation.
The assets will be allocated in the humanitarian purposes.
If the assets are gained in accordance with the financial contract they will be returned to the financier.

The change of the statute

Article 21.

The changing of the Statute or making the amendments to the existing will be decided by the establisher of the Foundation.

The Finishing rules

Article 23.

The interpretation of this Statute is made by the establisher.

Article 24.

The Statute became effective on the day of the Foundation's entry into the Register of the non-governmental organizations.

In Podgorica, 7th May 2007.

Vojin Jovanovic
With the legal representative
Slavici Jovanovic


Foundation Dusko Jovanovic

Article 1.

Vojin Jovanovic, with the authorized representative, his mother Slavica Jovanovic , in order to honor the memory of the character and work of his early died father, with the wish to be a fighter as his father was the symbol of fight and justice in a difficult period in history, establishes a foundation named:

(Hereinafter foundation)

Residence and the address of the Foundation are in Podgorica, no. 32. Jerevanska St.

Article 2.

The Foundation is a non profit organization, its work is public and it is established for an unlimited period of time..

Article 3.

The activities of the Foundation are objected to the improvement of journalism, especially in the field of the investigative journalism, which is the purpose of this Foundation as well as rewarding of journalists according the contest and the rules which will be precisely defined in the Book of regulations and it will be published in media.

Article 4.

The initial capital of the Foundation is €1.000,00 (a thousand).

Article 5.

The Head of the Managing Board and the representative of the Foundation is the establisher Vojin Jovanovic whose authorized representative is his mother Slavica Jovanovic, address no. 32. Jerevanska St. Podgorica.

Article 6.


Mihailo Raznatovic, address no. 18. Njegoseva St Cetinje
Ranko Raickovic, address no. 14. Miljana Vukova St Podgorica
Snezana Raickovic, address no. 14. Miljana Vukova St Podgorica
Jelena Novakovic, address no.7 IX Crnogorske St Podgorica

In Podgorica, 06th May 2007. ESTABLISHER

Vojin Jovanovic
Authorized representative
Slavici Jovanovic