
Mr Jelinic is an expert for crisis communication and due to his deep knowledge of the situation on the Croatian social, political and media scene during the last two years he appeared more than 40 times in prime-time programmes of the leading national televisions. He has been active in the non-governmental sector related to the development of judicial transparency. He has advised foreign law firms which represent the EU member states and during the last couple of years he advised some Croatian and foreign companies on their business and crisis management.

In early 2014 he published a notable book entitled Why was Ivo Pukanic murdered which sold more than 2,000 copies while the additional 3,000 copies were purchased by the publisher of the weekly Nacional.

In the first half of 2014 Jelinic acquired the brands of the weekly Nacional and other publications published by NCL Media Group. At the end of 2014 he continued to publish the weekly Nacional through the Nacional News Corporation.

He is currently the editor-in-chief of Nacional and the owner of the publishing company of that weekly.

Over the last five years he has been an active member of the Rotary Club Zagreb Medvedgrad where he served as one-year president. He is married and father of two minor sons.